Rick Joyner | – Don Potter "Give Them Up" – MorningStar Ministries

In this Featured Worship Video from our recent HarvestFest Conference, Don Potter leads a declarative time of worship with his song, “Give Them Up”. It was a time of calling forth the captives and the prodigals to return to the Lord. It’s time to engage and to stand the ground that has been given to us and to take even more ground. We have been given life and liberty and its time to use it to bring light, life, and liberty to others. Subscribe to receive updates. [support us]
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MorningStar Ministries MorningStar Ministries with Rick Joyner including prophetic perspectives on current events, teaching vidoes and worship videos by the MorningStar worship team. Website http://www.morningstarministries.org MorningStar TV http://www.morningstartv.com MorningStar Ministries Facebook http://www.facebook.com/morningstarmin

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