Rick Joyner | – The Purpose of the Wilderness – Rick Joyner – MorningStar Ministries

During a recent Sunday morning service at MorningStar Ministries, Rick Joyner shared a message entitled “The Purpose of the Wilderness”. In his message, Rick explains that our wilderness experiences and trials are an opportunity to get closer to God. When we get closer the glory will come.

Rick also shares that Christian are supposed to be experiencing more glory under the new covenant than Moses did under the old covenant when he had to put a veil over his face because of the glory. The ceiling that they experienced in the old covenant should be the floor that we experience in the new covenant.

Rick retold a story about a conference where the literal cloud of the Lord appeared. This conference had some of the most anointed worship and teaching, but no one left the conference talking about the preaching or the worship. They left talking about the Lord. When His glory comes, people are not going to be looking at us. When His glory comes to the temple, it will not be them temple that get’s your attention. Subscribe to receive updates. [support us]
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MorningStar Ministries MorningStar Ministries with Rick Joyner including prophetic perspectives on current events, teaching vidoes and worship videos by the MorningStar worship team. Website http://www.morningstarministries.org MorningStar TV http://www.morningstartv.com MorningStar Ministries Facebook http://www.facebook.com/morningstarmin

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