
R.C. Sproul | – What is the first step any new Christian should take to learn more about what they believe?

What is the first step any new Christian should take to learn more about what they believe? Dr. John MacArthur explains what new Christians should do to learn more about what they believe. This video originally appeared on https://tabletalkmagazine.com/. Read the transcript here: https://tabletalkmagazine.com/posts/what-is-the-first-thing-a-new-christian-should-do-to-learn-more-about-the-faith/

R.C. Sproul | – With the rise of seeker-sensitive churches, how do we understand biblically "seeking" God?

What is a “seeker-sensitive” church? And are they biblical? From Ligonier’s 2017 National Conference, R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur explain how seeker-sensitive churches distort what God commands the church to be and to do. Do you have another biblical or theological question? Ask Ligonier is your place for answers. Just visit https://ask.ligonier.org/ #AskLigonier