The Chosen | – Teens React to The Chosen

The reactions of these teens really moved us and reminds us The Chosen has a broad appeal.

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About The Author

The Chosen WHY A TV SERIES ABOUT JESUS? We've been making movies for some of the biggest studios in Hollywood for 20 years. But a subject this important shouldn't be entrusted to Hollywood. It needs to be made by us. Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing..." The Chosen is a new thing. * How it was financed is new: We're the #1 highest crowd-funded media project of all time -- over $10 million from over 19,000 people. * The content is new: We're the first-ever multi-season show about the life of Christ. * The way to watch it is new: We're the first show to have our own app that connects directly to your streaming devices. No subscription needed. Just search "The Chosen" where you get apps and download to your phone. * How it's reaching the world is new: The show is free, but by "paying it forward," you help ensure people around the world can see it -- we're currently in every country. Welcome to a new thing!

Comment (42)

  1. I am so happy for these kids,its sad that they couldn't see how loving our dear Lord is,this show is helping,even people of faith,to renew,revive their hope in Him. So beautiful to see you,through God,reach them! X

  2. What a blessing it is to know that young lives are being touched by this show. Big shout out to Dallas Jenkins and the cast for such an outstanding experience that is being felt by millions!

  3. I know some people are concerned by the things that are added to the show like back and side stories, but I realize that anyone reading the bible does so through their own lens, and the way Jesus is portrayed here is not different from that. I mean, as someone who grew up with a strict and seemingly unforgiving parenting style, being able to see Jesus in a different light that the lens my parents showed me has been very helpful in seeing the Jesus that others see – the way these kids see Him.

  4. Just make sure we all repent to the Father and confess in our hearts that Jesus is our Lord and Savior we are saved by God's grace and mercy through Christ and then there will be another that comes and He is the Holy Spirit!!! When we have a relationship with all 3 we are complete!!! Thank you God for The Chosen this is the best versions of what Jesus's love is all about!!! We need to continue to support them so we can continue to spread the gospel!!!

  5. Now I understand the Bible better. Everything makes more sense.
    The Chosen gave me hope in my life. My friend shared the link to the first episode and told me that Jesus loves everyone and he wants me, I am always grateful that he did it.
    The series gave me a new life, it's just that I wish the series was out a few years back, if I had that opportunity I would have never left my Jesus.

  6. I am writing from the UK. I am originally from Barbados and the French island of Martinique. I love THE CHOSEN. I watch it over and over and over. I really believe that God has a hand in that and I pray that He continues to guide and that you be submissive to Him and His leading as through this show you contribute in a huge way to bringing the gospel to the ends of the world. May God bless you, Dallas, your family and everyone involved in this incredibly beautiful project. It is the Lord’s doing. I have shared it and I keep reminding my friends, my contacts to watch it as when they do, they will want to watch it over and over and invite their family and friends to do so. God bless all of you!

  7. As a fifteen year old, I questioned this religion n faith so so much..I never understood a way to connect it seemed so far away. But after seeing such a human and real portrayal, wow I just..this show has definitely put me back on track

  8. The Chosen is doing wonders for making Jesus more popular as a human being. But, it must also be emphasized that 'The Chosen' is not biblical. It is a fictional story based on the Bible. And that's OK as long as it follows Scripture. But, it is also very important to use discernment is examining any diversion from Scripture. The Chosen is a mostly a Mormon production and the Jesus of Mormonism is distinctively different is several ways from the Christian biblical Jesus.

  9. This is beautiful. To hear how these kids’ perspectives on Jesus is changing…. brings tears to my eyes. I’ve watched through Seasons 1 & 2 a few times now, and each time something new unfolds. This little video opened my eyes to His relationship to children. It’s like when they were on the way to the wedding, and Simon starts talking to Him about all the powerful people that might be there that He could recruit, but in His mind He is more excited about sitting at the kids table playing games with them. :’-) What a Savior.

    I guess this is so significant to me right now, because of where I am at in life. A few months ago I took on a new role at work – more responsibility. It’s added pressures to me that I am still learning how to process. I am putting in long days, dreaming about work, waking up at 3 or 4am thinking about work… it’s been heavy. I’m involving Him as best as I know how to, and He’s seeing me through it. At the same time, I know I have a calling to minister to the body of Christ that seems to be largely “on hold” for now. Or maybe it’s more appropriate to say I’m still “in training.” In any case, I resonate with John the Baptizer and the disciples in the show – impatient and very “mission focused.” And now I’m just taking a moment to reflect on these children, and how the Lord wants us to have a childlike faith. A much easier yoke.

  10. I'm a teenager and The Chosen has changed my faith and the way I see Jesus. I never truly saw Jesus as a real person or a human. I always saw him as the Messiah. Being able to see Jesus love others with such compassion. Being able to see him live an average life with the disciples has changed me. I love being able to see Jesus laugh, sing, dance, and tell stories to the disciples. It makes me view him as a person that I don't need to fear. It makes me realize that my relationship with Jesus can be like a friendship. Thank you creators of The Chosen.

  11. I was a born hindu and Jesus always seemed to show a tender side to me and I knew he was no strict disciplinarian as some portray him to be.But he was hundred percent human and that is portrayed beautifully here with the humour, dialogues and stuff.And the way the disciples communicate makes us understand that being a righteous christian does not mean we cant have fun and joke around. It feels like a true enjoyable Netflix show with the right christian morals.More awards and laurels to come.(Importantly from the Father in heaven).God bless the whole team!I'm looking for merchandise in India rn.

  12. As the younger people have just said, it changed their view about Jesus and their not afraid to approach Him now well it happened to me that way as well and I've been a Christian since 94 and I'm pushing 74 yrs old so that says allot about this film. I used to think Jesus was angry at me most of the time but this takes a load off my head and my heart. Thank You Lord Jesus for allowing this film and for the wonderful actors and actresses.

  13. Guess what kids. We adults react the same way! The Chosen takes the “characters” of the Bible & turns them into real people, especially Jesus. I absolutely love the humor injected into the series! Can’t wait for season 3.