Christian Broadcasting Network | – Lou Gramm Knows What Love Is –

Foreigner was an ’80s rock icon with Lou Gramm. Today, he is still performing after battling a brain tumor that almost killed him… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN [support us]

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CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network. CBN is a leading Christian broadcasting network featuring programs that cover everything from world news and international events to music, entertainment, and health from a Christian perspective. Programs include The 700 Club, CBN News, Christian World News, 700 Club Interactive, and more. For more, be sure to head over to Follow us on Facebook And Twitter And Instagram keywords: CBN, CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, 700 club, 700club, CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN News, Christian News, NewsWatch, Superbook

Comment (46)

  1. What a great guy he is. Met him and fell in love. And Im a man and straight as an arrow. He just has this aura around him. Makes you happy. And his voice is almost back to 100%. You are the man Lou. Be proud

  2. I'm glad you made your decision to follow in the Lords ways. I was that way too, will all the fake people surrounding me, using me with fake smiles and bogus handshakes. Buddy, if you wanted to sing about Jesus, I would still enjoy your voice. In a way you did anyway, you sang about love and Jesus is all about that. You are an entertainer, so singing about anything is ok —- it's entertainment, that's all!!

  3. Such a beautiful person; so proud of him to be courageous enough to humble himself and ask for God's help and then turn away from the old life style that could have destroyed his very soul and also miss out on a beautiful relationship with God. God has great compassion for sinners like him even more so than other Christians who have prideful hearts. God loves you Lou!!!

  4. Well Lou, I listen to your music from live at Deer Creek, Midnight Blue  on Jay Leno show. But I heard you sing with :Petra which is a Christian rock band. Praise God you changed your life for Christ. I know I can hear your voice in heaven now. I am in a wheelchair because of fractured knees that can not be fixed. God chose to completely heal you..I am about your age . I will buy your knew CD. your friend in Christ….Vicki

  5. I was used of the Lord to help bring Lou back to him. I was in a deep state of prayer one week in the early 90's and the Holy Spirir kept telling me to go see him. I was looking through a local free newspaper and found an ad to a concert in Cheetowage NY.
    I got in with a free pass(no pass, no entry) a bus driver there had given to me, and went near the stage.
    Now God had already laid on my heart the words to say, and that was "Lou, Jesus still loves you!"…that was all I heard. So I asked a bouncer if I could say hello and show him a photo of our mutual Aunt & Uncle. His fathers brother married my mothers sister. So when I showed him that picture, I told him "Jesus still loves you Lou",…and then he went
    backstage. I waited for him to perform and he never came out. they said he had gone back to Rochester unexpectedly. The Lord told me it was out of conviction, I had obeyed Him with my message. He eventually came back and I heard that my message is what
    helped him come back. to his first love-Jesus

  6. Such a classy, humble guy. Hope he makes a full recovery
    He'll live forever in his music
    He thinks Jesus saved him but really he saved himself.
    The lifestyle and drugs helped make him the singer he was.
    However, he's still got it.
    One of rocks greatest singers

  7. Im too tired at the moment to express what i feel about what you've accomplished lou gramm.but for now I'll hust say that you'll never know how you've touched so many millions and generations around the world for a long time to come.thanx.

  8. Thank God for the power of Christ in our lives. Those who continue living a life of debauchery are bound down by some of Satan's most powerful chains,….drugs, sex, and certain music can combine to become as powerful as any real chain. God took one of the greatest Rock singers of all time and changes his heart so that He, in turn, could share his testimony and change those who idolized him and turn their hearts to Christ, none greater. Praise be to,God. One can see Lou Gramm's demeanor has changed and humbled him greatly. An amazing story and truly inspiring when you,see the amazing talent Lou Gram and Foreigner had. Lou must be very strong to have the strength to turn away completely from such temptation at the top of his game. Again, praise God's Love and tender mercies.

  9. …and that's the best ever Lou…..!!!… It's hurting to realize that we're given the best in life yet our senses were dulled to this realization…. most important thing ever …..gratefulness.
    …that's the most beautiful thing you did……from hosea's….."come back to me….with all your ❤…

  10. We're all at different stages of maturity and sanctification, and I hope the best for Lou. But I'm not alone in thinking that 'Christian Rock' is an oxymoron. Billy Joel and others I have heard stated what is the driving force behind 'rock 'n roll'.

  11. This video touched me because I love foreigner and I love lou gramm, I listen to his music everyday. I love Jesus Christ more than anything in this world and hearing from Lou Gramm himself 10 – 11 years ago now in 2020 really touched my heart because I had no idea Lou is Christian.

  12. Lou Gramm I've always loved you just the way you were! NOW I LOVE You MUCH MORE and Respect You for who You become and ARE! May YAHUAH ELYON bless you off your feet and may you continue to be a witness and shine your light into this dark world. This was and forever will be the best decision you made in your life. Lotsa hugs and love a sister