Christian Broadcasting Network | – 'War Room's' Pricilla Shire on the Power of Prayer

Priscilla Shirer, star of the faith-based movie “War Room,” spoke with CBN’s Efrem Graham about the film, faith, and the real-life power of prayer.

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CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network. CBN is a leading Christian broadcasting network featuring programs that cover everything from world news and international events to music, entertainment, and health from a Christian perspective. Programs include The 700 Club, CBN News, Christian World News, 700 Club Interactive, and more. For more, be sure to head over to Follow us on Facebook And Twitter And Instagram keywords: CBN, CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, 700 club, 700club, CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN News, Christian News, NewsWatch, Superbook

Comment (45)

  1. PLEASE please please please please please please pray THAT MY entire body is IMMEDIATELY and automatically and permanently free from pain lmmediately and automatically and permanently and forever and forever and forevermore. THANK YOU ALL for ALL your loving prayers. Please spread the word.

  2. Yesterday I decided to seek the Lord, again. "Lord, Help me to get out of my own way." I am refreshing my relationship with God. I speak to God but I don't pray nor believe like I used to. The enemy come into our lives by way of my only son, and took over. Life has been heartbreaking. Not knowing what to do or how to respond, and not going to God, I listened to the poor judgement of other's, vs acknowledging that thing inside of me, telling me how to move next, and so, I'm regretful. I want to genuinely forgive myself, my son, and the world around me. Allowing God back into my life, and agreeing to get out of God's way, would be a beginning blessing. Thank you for this word. Please pray for me.

  3. I received some information on 2018/04/01 that had me so upset that I started to blame God for allowing it to happen. I told him that I was done trying to serve him because it seemed as if I had to beg him to let me do so because of the things he was allowing to take place in my life. At 5:24 to 5:48 of this interview God started to let me see my situation for what it is. It wasn't by chance that I just finished watching the movie and just watched this interview. God is truly an awesome God, there is nothing that he cannot handle, so I know that he will give me the victory in my situation in Jesus name amen!

  4. Such a religious and inspirational movie,. I watched it with my ex and the emotions were through my body and soul. I thought it would bring myself and my ex closer it actually made him distant. I pray that he finds God's true blessings and Learn to pray more to find himself and his true happiness in life.

  5. One of Best and anointed movie. Definitely higher quality, lot more professional, and trillion times more valuable compared to any hollywood secular movies. War room actors definitely worth more $$$ than hollywood can pay. All because they acted from their heart as if for the LORD. A d actually, they did it for the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray they receive many blessings health, spiritually and financially together with their family.