Christian Broadcasting Network | – Sheila Walsh Escapes the Darkness of Depression

Former 700 Club co-host and best-selling author Sheila Walsh shares her personal journey from severe clinical depression to freedom, and her mission to encourage others to seek help.

About The Author

CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network. CBN is a leading Christian broadcasting network featuring programs that cover everything from world news and international events to music, entertainment, and health from a Christian perspective. Programs include The 700 Club, CBN News, Christian World News, 700 Club Interactive, and more. For more, be sure to head over to Follow us on Facebook And Twitter And Instagram keywords: CBN, CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, 700 club, 700club, CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN News, Christian News, NewsWatch, Superbook

Comment (30)

  1. Oh, I have picked up on Women of Faith in our Bible study group about 6 months ago. One of the ladies,there was so up beat!!! so I go home and check this out. Wow!!! There was Shelia Walsh . OK she looked familiar, and after this clip of the 700 club it,all came back. Yes I also suffered from a mental burnout back in Sept. of 1990 and GOD,
    and the trinity and many family christian brothers and sisters , even a Christian psychologist & councelors helped me through. So when I read this it makes me see that now after having been through and what is happening now
    that NO MATTER WHAT HE IS ALIYA GOOD and will always make a way. Lamentations says Great is thy faithfulness!!!!!

  2. Hi Sheila Walsh. It's me Brother Larry Willoughby Jr. from Corona,, Queens New York. I am doing okay. But I having suffering from mental illness or schizophrenia diagnosed with anxiety, depression, hearing voices that is makes me worst, paranoia, and even autism too. I taking cymbalta and abilify on my medications by the psychiatrist. And the nurse give me a risperal injection every two weeks. Three of them for my side effects controlling my anger, mentally, psychological, and weight problems which means ups and downs. I never do exercise itself. I need you please pray for me. So I am a good Christian Sameritan. Thanks.

  3. Pray for me also please. I am one that lives in a family that believes that depression is something that’s in your head and you can just get over it. I’ve been suffering for a while and only just get to a doctor to get some help. I’ve had to hide it from my family and I just keep trying to make it every day but it’s been a struggle and many around don’t want to pray for me for that because they do think it’s just in my head and that it’s something to be ashamed of. I just try to live every day with a lot of prayer and trying to stay close to God. Thank you Sheila for being honest and sharing your story with others, it truly is an inspiration because it lets others know you’re not alone

  4. I remember being in a mental facility. It was nightmarish but during the hours I could make a phone call, I would call the 700 club everyday. God, my family's prayers and the 700 club were my saving grace.

  5. What a lovely woman she is and I love how she is not ashamed or lives under the stigma of depression. I am a born-again Evangelical Christian I'm 51 years old and I've been depressed since I was probably about 12. I have taken all kinds of medication I've been off of medication and I've done terribly. Cymbalta in combination with other anti-anxiety medications as absolutely giving me my life back. I encourage anyone who is suffering to put their hand up and say that you need help.

  6. The biggest problem facing the Christian faith, especially in America, is watered down rhetoric masking itself as truth and no one to call it out. Redemption apart from Jesus is not redemption. Shame, fear, bitterness, finger pointing, and malicious talk fills pulpits weekly with no call to Godly repentance and regeneration by Holy Spirit. No one walks in spirit filled forgiveness, love, and mercy because we're too busy blaming others and seeking revenge instead of loving the sinner and hating the sin. Yes, in this world we'll have trials but Jesus overcame the world! Examine scripture and call on God to rid our world and lives of the idolatry plaguing us and for a fresh pouring out of His spirit so we can realize our sin, forsake our sin, and run to the cross for forgiveness! Jesus paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who comes to the cross! Quit passing off your bias and prejudice about the lives of sinners and love others as Jesus loved the church.

    "The kindness of God leads to repentance." Romans 2:4

  7. I’m seeing that biofield energy work from a good Christian person does real wonders. So far it’s changing the neurological circuit. My wife has BPD and after one session, over night, she was normal for a whole week. She will need more sessions. As for me, it significantly subsided my anger towards God and I have become a confident man at work.

  8. Connie please know that I am praying for you. I understand what you are going through. I to also have episodes of depression and anxiety and I know the living help it can be. But always remember that this to shall pass.
    Hang on to the Lord with all you r might. He will.never leave you not forsake you. I will remember to pray for you. Please take of yourself