Louie Giglio | – Winning the Battle of the Mind – Louie Giglio

The battle for the mind is not one you have to fight alone. Even when everything inside of you feels like it’s shifting and uncertain, Jesus is standing in the middle of your chaos with you, and He has a message for you. He has already won the battle, now it’s time for you to step into that very [support us] /> —
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About The Author

Passion City Church We are a Jesus church. A small tribe of His followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to see our city [and the world] come to know His power and beauty. We call Atlanta and Washington D.C. home, but consider the world our neighborhood. We are not perfect. But Jesus is. Thankfully, we are a Jesus church. Passion City Church Passion City Church — for God. for people. for the city. for the world. For more information about us and our gatherings, visit: http://www.passioncitychurch.com/

Comment (39)

  1. Be encouraged…Pastor Louie. Know are appointed and no weapon formed will prosper, but a stronger anointing and a more far reaching, effectual work will be revealed. You are loved, grace and wisdom surrounds you and those laboring with you.

    Thank you for sharing your gifts.

    Pastor Jeff

  2. Back to the victory of white blessings, huh?! I will not stop doing my best to keep you accountable even if others continue to let you get away with your white supremacy followed by lack of repentance. True repentance would be hiring non-white pastors. Actual repentance would require taking down your picture of White Jesus that hangs at PCC. Like you said, words are cheap and it's the actions that matter. You taking one week off is not repentance. That's a PR move. White Jesus does not save. White Jesus leads people to hell.

  3. What to do when i really can't sense the Holy spirit anymore, can't Love God as much as i want to, can't feel His Love.. all after choosing sin many many times after being convicted. Pls pray for me

  4. I got tickled when my friend thought you were with a male partner, when you said my partner -he. I said no Louie is married to Shelly. His partner is an accountability partner. It’s a male and females need female accountability partners especially when we struggle with the day to day strongholds in our life.

  5. Absolutely amazing how God led us to this message this morning and now we are confessing by faith, that we
    are going to take dominion over those thoughts in Jesus Christ mighty name!!!
    God bless you all from Michigan

  6. I was just praying for the Lord to send the Holy Spirit to lead me to a Word to speak life into my situation. All glory honor and praise be to the King of Kings! May God bless you Louie Giglio from the four corners of the earth, for pointing me to His Word and His Holy Spirit breathing life into these dry bones and lifting up my down cast soul back to life. I hear you speak on the radio and now I have a face for the voice.

  7. Under our apostle paul’s ministry in The King James Bible,we are only saved by believing The Gospel of Jesus Christ,1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 1-4.Jesus Christ died on the cross,spilled all of His Blood for your sins,was buried and rose again on the third day.Jesus Christ Spilled Blood is what saves you when you believe this plan of salvation with your heart.

  8. The. enemy. is. a. deceived. Foe. he. already. lost. when. Jesus. went. to. the. Cross. we. won. and. we. are. Victorious. because. we. can. do. all. things. thru. Christ. IT. IS. FINISH Jesusssssssssss