The Bible Project | – Overview: 2 Corinthians

Watch our overview video on 2 Corinthians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In 2 Corinthians, Paul resolves his conflict with the Corinthians by showing how the scandal of the crucifixion turns our value systems upside-down.

#Corinthians #BibleProject #BibleVideo

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BibleProject BibleProject is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos. Our videos and all of our other resources are available for free to help people everywhere experience the unified story of the Bible. For the entire list of our localized channels visit BibleProject

Comment (45)

  1. EDIT: The reference to the part of the letter where Paul says the letter "was written with anguish and tears" is written as 2 Cor. 1:3-4. It should be corrected to 2 Cor. 2:3-4.

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  2. This is a blessing to me,as I find it difficult to correlate the book of Corinthians , I was bored but I didn't know how this came up during my reading of chapter 9. I was blessed. Thanks for the review

  3. The name Paul meaning 'small'
    so meet your new super power

    small and weak
    with Mighty God power…

    i love this upside down Kingdom
    let's be small and weak because is so fragile and love able .

  4. Wow!
    God bless all those who worked on this. These summaries will be of much help for those coming to Christ and as refrefshers.
    This letter of Paul in it self is very impactful but, when we get to see the letters come to life through these animations it really helps us better understand what was going on.

  5. Thanks for clarifying. Even after all these years of reading the Bible, I feel like there are always things I miss, and I sometimes have trouble remembering the context….especially the way Paul writes with midrash and diatribe and all that jazz. I find the more I understand about a passage of Scripture, the more I get out of reading it, so thanks a lot. Do you have these for the whole Bible? I might just head over to an overview of Genesis and work my way through Revelation.

  6. I'm so sick of "Super Apostles" I wish we could launch them all in a big can into space and let them preach to each other. Meanwhile Paul writes most of what later becomes NT Holy Scripture from a dungeon dressed in rags