Michael Todd | – The Ascent Of The Sent // Marked (Part 6)

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About The Author

Transformation Church Representing God to the Lost and Found for Transformation in Christ. This is the vision of Transformation Church, led by Pastor Michael and Natalie Todd, based in Tulsa, OK. Transformation Church For more information, visit us at https://transformchurch.us

Comment (31)

  1. Earlier in the month I had a dream where I was outside of a submarine and looking at other creatures in the ocean deep. Then, I was IN the massive submarine with MASSIVE windows and saw outside of the submarine and there was an abominable massive sea monster. I was wondering about the meaning of this dream because I felt like there was a message. As soon as you mentioned the submarine and submitting — it ALL became clear.

  2. Thank you for your word Michael Todd. I needed to hear that so so strongly. This is currently my season where I have recently learned in the Church that I can't just run from my problems, but I needed to be obedient and submit to authority and leadership. Thank you Holy Spirit. May God continue to bless you and your ministry at Transformation Church and the impact you're having on the world.

  3. 34:03 is where I'm at. I've been perusing to God since just year about moving to another city and I got word that said to go, but now that the move is a week away I still don't know certain important details and I'm praying, fasting, and believing along with asking for instruction and God is being silent!

  4. micheal todd i know youve heard this but what you are doing is changing lives i just had a breakdown in the presence of God that prayer you prayed of conviction worked . thank you for allowing God to use you and may He keep taking you higher . this is just the beginning . may God truly bless you.

  5. so does this mean I dont have to write job applications and the job will just find me? Does this principle of it falling into David's lap still apply to this modern day and age? I believe in knocking on as many doors as possible and waiting on God to eventually open the right one for me.