John Piper | – Clear the Stage – Jimmy Needham

The most subtle form of idolatry is the pride that secretly worships self. This song attacks the roots of pride with heartfelt worship.

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Desiring God God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. Learn more at Desiring God

Comment (45)

  1. And yet REVIVAL is comeback to HIS WAYS = TORAH. HE came in flesh, TORAH became flesh…. First 4 commandments how to LOVE GOD and remaining 6, how to LOVE NEIGHBOUR.


  2. Anything that I put before my God, is an idol.
    Anything that I give all my love, is an idol.
    Anything that I can't stop thinking about, is an idol.
    Those phrases makes me realized the real thing that I am going through. The real present I am into. These words breaks my perspective and desires for something that I really wanted, something I'd really love to be with, something that I can't get over through.
    Words cannot define how much love I received when I first heard the whole song, and on how I phrasely analyzed each stanza that it's telling me for.

    I love my God more than this idols.
    I love singing worships that will pierces my heart and lift up my spirit.
    I love the love He is giving to me, so defying, so unpredictable. His' timings, His' worthiness and His' whisper that crashes all of my arguments.

    I found myself crying, and it was so painful.
    It was, but it is also tears for a new beginning. A hope that it's never too late to stand up and move forward with Him. His glory and might withstand any struggle in any circumstances.

    Even the deceitful heart are nothing against His will.